Holiday Safety Tips for Pets During Diwali

In a few days, all of us will be enjoying the festival of light, Diwali. However, the same festival of joy can cause your pets trauma due to sudden, loud sounds and bright lights of firecrackers produced during the festivities. Pet safety and comfort is paramount during this time. Loud noises can lead to jump-scares and knee-jerk reactions, which can create tension between you and your pet, and can cause your furry kid distress.
Understanding the Importance of Diwali Safety for Pets
Pet animals, including dogs and cats, are highly sensitive to their environment, which makes Diwali a tough time for them. Due to booming noises, and unfamiliar and unpleasant smells caused by pollution, dogs and cats experience stress, which in turn could make them fall sick or cause behavioral issues. Their anxiety and stress during the festival can manifest in different kinds of behaviors, such as excessive barking, hiding, depression, or aggression. To avoid such situations and also ensure that our loyal companions are not subjected to distress.
Common Diwali Hazards for Pets
The most common and obvious hardship pets face on Diwali is the sounds of firecrackers which cause them high levels of anxiety, and fear. Multiple kinds of sweets and eatables prepared on Diwali are toxic for dogs and cats, and we must ensure that they are not within the reach of pets, or that no one feeds them these items. Furthermore, decorative items such as diyas, candles, hanging lights, are also a safety hazard, they can cause burns and electric shocks. Pet-proofing your Diwali decor/set-up is always a good
Creating a Safe Environment During Diwali
Knowing the importance of Diwali pet safety, it is imperative to work towards creating a safe environment for pets during the festival. You can segregate a certain space for them where they can retreat when the firework starts. A soft musical sound can go a long way in masking the noise. To protect your pet from safety hazards, ensure that decorations such as candles, diyas, and electric lights are out of reach . Third, in case your pet gets distressed, try calming aids like anxiety wraps, and calming sprays.
Fireworks and Loud Noises: How to Keep Pets Calm
Here are some tips that you can follow to keep your pets calm amidst the loud noises and fireworks.
Preparing a Quiet Space for Pets
In order to help your pets feel safe and sound, you must find them a specific place where they hide during the loud celebrations of Diwali. Ensure to place their bedding and favorite toys in that space to make them feel at home. Covering the crate with a thick blanket can help muffle outside noises while allowing for ventilation.
Anti-Anxiety Measures for Pets
To reduce the stress and discomfort of your pets, you can consult with your veterinarian to recommend some calming remedies. Soothing aids like anti-anxiety medication, calming sprays, and plug-in diffusers, can reduce the anxiety of your pets during Diwali.
Avoid Taking Pets Outside During Fireworks
Exposing your pets to the sound of firecrackers can be highly painful for their sensitive ears. Besides this, monitor the pet’s breathing pattern
The pollution caused by fireworks can be harmful. If you have an air purifier, use it to maintain clean air. Always keep your veterinarian's contact information handy. If your pet shows signs of respiratory distress, consult a vet immediately. Consider a dog mask to help reduce inhalation of harmful particles.
Diwali Decorations and Pet Safety
This Diwali, take some extra steps to ensure the decorations don’t create any discomfort for your pets.
Diyas, Candles, and Fire Hazards
In place of conventional Diwali decorations such as candles and diyas, you must consider using LED lights or rechargeable candles to avoid fire hazards- however, keep all of this out of your pets’ reach at all times.
Prevent Electrical Hazards
Be cautious of loose electrical cords used for decorations, as pets may view them as playthings, leading to potential entanglement or electrocution. Keep the small decorative items such as hanging lights, and rangoli powder out of their reach.
Pet-Friendly Rangoli Designs
While shopping for decorative items, always be mindful of choosing pet-safe products. Choose non-toxic colours to make rangolis and designs. Also, ensure placing the decorations away from your pet’s reach in order to avoid nuisance.
Diwali Food Safety for Pets
With Diwali comes a lot of traditional foods that we love to enjoy. However, not all kinds of food are good for our pets, so here are some ways to protect their health.
Harmful Diwali Sweets and Foods for Pets
Human sweets are harmful for pets due to the presence of sugar and spices. Instead of that, you can get them pet-approved treats like Applod Dog Biscuits & treats to celebrate Diwali together. These biscuits are packed with active ingredients and will be a perfect laddoo for your ladoo.
Managing Overeating During Diwali
Overeating during Diwali can be harmful to your pet as it can cause health issues like obesity, digestive issues, and pancreatitis. To control your pets’ diet during the festival, you must monitor their diet and limit their access to the food items. Moreover, it would be helpful to educate your guests about the eating habits of your pets, so that they don’t overfeed them inadvertently.
Managing Guests & Pets During Diwali
Guests and pets together can be overwhelming to handle. Follow these steps to manage your pets and guests this Diwali.
Create a Safe Space for Pets
Allocate a certain space for your pets’ comfort during Diwali where they can retreat when the festivities start. Place their favorite toys and bedding in the space to make it homely.
Supervision During Festivities
When the guests start arriving at your place during Diwali, you must educate them about your pets’ dietary restrictions or any other boundaries. You must also supervise your pets the whole time and in case they feel overwhelmed by the gathering, you can guide them to their haven.
Traveling with Pets During Diwali
If you are planning to travel with your pets during Diwali, here are some ways to manage your travels well:
Preparing Pets for Travel
To make your pet travel ready during Diwali, the first thing to do is to take care of their comfort by preparing their travel kit made of essentials such as dog bowls, regular food, water, leash & collar, bedding, treats, and a first aid kit. Finally ensure your pet has an identification mark such as a name tag with their name & your contact information so that if they are out of sight, you can trace them back.
Boarding Services for Pets During Diwali
If you do not have a pet-friendly travel plan, then, you can consider opting for professional pet boarding services. They will keep your pets safe and comfortable during Diwali and make sure they are well-cared for in your absence. However, ensure that the boarding is hygienic, safe, and meets all the necessary pet-friendly standards. Sudden changes in environments can affect pets, so it is important to ensure that they are not boarded at a place they feel uncomfortable in.
FAQs About Pet Safety During Diwali
1. How can I calm my pet during fireworks?
Here are some ways to keep your pet calm during fireworks. Create a safe haven for them to retreat during the noise, use calming aids like calming mist, and soothing sprays to reduce their anxiety, and limit their outdoor exposure during the festivities.
2. Are Diwali sweets dangerous for pets?
Yes, traditional Diwali sweets such as laddoos, mithai, chocolates, and nuts are harmful to pets due to the presence of sugar, spice, and dairy products. Nuts can cause allergic reactions and gastric issues to pets.
3. How can I pet-proof my home for Diwali decorations?
To make your home pet-proof for Diwali decorations, you can replace traditional diyas and candles with LED and battery-operated candles. However, it is important to ensure that all these are not accessible to your pets. You must also keep toxic items such as rangoli powders and hanging lights out of pets’ reach so that they do not get any access.
4. Can I include my pet in Diwali celebrations?
You can include your pet in Diwali celebrations, but only after taking some precautionary steps. Consider making the decorations pet-friendly, keeping the food items out of reach, avoiding bursting crackers, and, in case the pets feel overwhelmed, providing a safe space for them to retreat.
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