Dog Allergies - Know All About Them!

If you are a pet parent or aspire to become one, then you must educate yourself about common allergies in dogs. Many dogs have allergic reactions to food or other substances and if not taken care of at the right time, it can cause health problems or general irritability in your dog. Worry not! Zigly is here another informative blog on dog allergies to help you take the best care of your dog. Read on to find out!
What is Allergy?
Before we dive into the topic, let us first get to the basics of allergy. An allergy is something that occurs when an animal or a person reacts to matter in the environment around them. The name given to these materials is allergens. Allergens are mostly found in pollen, dust, moulds, food, ticks and even in certain medicines.
Types of Most Common Dog Allergies
There are many kinds of allergies that are considered to be common. These allergies are the cause behind the sudden triggering of the immune system with unexpected responses. Some of the most common dog allergies are food allergies, skin allergies and environmental allergens. These allergies can often cause a lot of discomfort and challenges both for the dog and his/ her owner. Let us look at them in detail.
Food Allergies
Food allergies are one of the most common dog allergies. Food allergies result from immune response and the symptoms are vast. They can range from gastrointestinal problems (diarrhoea/ vomiting, gas) to varied skin conditions (such as itchiness, hives, swelling in the face). Sometimes, there can even be a combination of both. One of the rarest reactions to food allergies is anaphylaxis.
The term food allergy means that a particular dog is sensitive to a certain kind of food. This is also known as food intolerance. It is best to talk to your veterinarian if you feel that your dog has a food allergy or is exhibiting symptoms of it and take medicine for the same. The vet would also need you to recognise the food item or ingredient which is the cause behind the allergic reaction or food allergy.
Skin Allergies
Another form of allergy is skin allergies. Also known as dermatitis, skin allergies are the most common kind of allergic reaction in dogs. Skin allergies are caused by three main sources. They are mentioned below:
- Food allergies
- Flea allergy dermatitis
- Environmental allergens
Itchy skin is often the result of food sensitivities and food allergies. One of the most recurrent areas where dogs get food allergies is the paws and the ears of the dog. Many times, food allergy is exhibited both by skin problems and gastrointestinal problems.
Fleabites in dogs cause an allergic reaction which is also known as flea-allergic dermatitis. The reason behind this is an allergy to the saliva of the flea. Therefore, after getting a flea bite dogs become extremely itchy. The area which is the most affected is near the base of the tail. The skin where the flea bites or the allergic reaction takes place becomes inflamed, red and even scabbed. When the number of fleas on the dog's body increases in number, you can see the fleas with the naked eye. Even the dirt which is accumulated by the fleas, known as flea dirt can also be seen.
Pollen, dust, and moulds fall in the category of environmental allergens. Environmental allergens are the cause behind atopic allergic reactions, also known as atopic dermatitis. It is one of the most prevalent dog allergies even though they are seasonal. With the weather changing and dust and wind rising, environmental allergens increase in number. If you know that your dog is allergic to environmental allergens then you must check his/ her wrists, paws, ankles, ears, groin, between toes and the areas around the eyes. When you notice your dog scratching these areas repeatedly or aggressively, you must talk to your veterinarian and begin with treatment.
When taking care of dog skin allergy treatment, do keep in mind that there is always a risk of secondary infection with skin allergies. Repeated licking, biting and scratching of the aggravated area leads to making the skin a breeding ground for bacterial infections and yeast, therefore, treatment must be started without delay. We recommend you book an appointment with Zigly Vets at your nearest experience center and get proper treatments for you dog's allergies
Serious Allergic Reactions
A serious example of dog allergies is allergic reactions. Just like us humans, even dogs are susceptible to going into anaphylactic shock. A dog only goes into an anaphylactic shock if he/ she has a serious reaction as a response to an allergen. If a dog is not treated immediately while in an anaphylactic shock, it can be fatal.
An anaphylactic shock can be triggered by a vaccine reaction or even a bee sting. It is always best to keep a close eye on your dog when you give him/ her a new drug or vaccine or even a food item. The good news is that anaphylactic shocks are very rare in dogs. And if you keep checking on your dog after he/ she has been administered a vaccine or consumed a new food item, such a situation will never arise.
It is scary to see your dog's face and ears swell as an allergic reaction, however, it is not fatal. In such a situation it is best to speak to your veterinarian and give an antihistamine to your dog. Antihistamine is good to suppress and control allergic reactions.
Dog Allergy Symptoms
There are a few symptoms that always become evident when dogs suffer from an allergic reaction. Every dog is different and therefore, sometimes, symptoms can vary from one dog to another. Listed below are a few common symptoms which occur and you should keep an eye on:
- Itchy eyes
- Hives
- Diarrhoea
- Constant licking
- Dog Sneezing
- Vomiting
- General itchiness in the body
- Serious ear infection
- Inflamed skin which turns red in colour
- Watery eyes which are itchy
- Swelling of the ears, earflaps, face, lips and eyelids
It is always best to speak to our Zigly veterinarian or bring your dog for a physical examination to your nearest Zigly Experience Centers so that your vet can decipher if it is a symptom of an allergic reaction or some other disease. A correct diagnosis at the right time can prevent your dog from suffering from any serious condition.
Treatment can be done if you find out what your dog is allergic to. The recognition of the allergen and keeping your dog away from it can help protect your dog from unnecessary discomfort and pain. To treat allergies, it is essential to know the cause of the allergic reaction. Treatment can only be started once you find out what kind of allergy your dog has. For instance, if your dog has a particular food allergy, then the ideal thing to do is to change the diet you give your dog.
The treatment prescribed by veterinarians includes an anti-allergy medicine. An anti-allergic medicine or an antihistamine helps provide relief to the dog from the allergic reaction and suppresses the symptoms of the reaction as well. Antihistamines are also extremely useful in controlling infections in the skin which occur as a result of the allergic reaction, known as secondary skin infections. It is important not to self-medicate the furry as it can be potentially dangerous. Avail online vet consultation or bring them to a clinic for a vet consultation with a dermatologist.
This was all about dog allergies. We hope it helped you in finding out what allergic reactions are and how they can be prevented. If you have any more doubts or want to speak to a vet regarding common dog allergies, then head over to Zigly, as we are just a woof away!
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