How Much Water Should A Dog Drink In A Day?
We human beings cannot survive without water and just like us, dogs need water too for survival. Not just basic survival but dogs require water for a healthy and disease-free life. If a dog goes without water for a very long time then it can have an impact on the normal functioning of the dog’s body. However, most pet parents are faced with the question, how much water should a dog drink in a day? And to answer this very question, Zigly is back with another blog on a topic that is often overlooked but is very important.
How Much Water Does a Dog Need?
Understanding the requirement of water by your dog is directly proportional to the question of how much water should a dog drink per kg - because this too seems complicated, but it is not. Scientifically speaking, according to the per kg body weight of the dog, 30 ml water must be consumed. However, a dog may want to drink more or less water as per their needs. Sometimes a dog may feel more or less thirsty due to various factors. As a responsible pet parent, you must give your dog fresh and clean water to drink every day and should not restrict their access to water. For example, a long run in the hot sun may make your dog feel more thirsty than usual and in such a scenario, you must provide your dog with fresh water to avoid dehydration.
Understanding Reasons for Extreme Thirst
In the effort to understand how much water should a dog drink in a day, you must also keep an eye if your dog is drinking too much water. While you must not stop your dog from drinking water, you must try to understand the reason behind this extreme thirst. There could be a variety of reasons for your dog feeling thirsty.
A diet which is dry
Your dog’s diet must be balanced - an extremely dry diet can make your dog feel very thirsty. Certain diets are high in sodium which contributes to making your dog feel thirsty. You must ensure that the food you give your dog should have some water content and not be completely dry.
Being dehydrated is a very uncomfortable feeling. Excessive playing, extra hours in the hot outdoors, hot summer days or an illness - all of these can be the cause of your dog being dehydrated. Along with looking for water all the time, a dehydrated dog will also have dry tongue and gums and feel lethargic. Dehydration can become serious and must be treated immediately. You may start with giving your dog small amounts of water in short intervals of time and then speak to a veterinarian if you feel the condition of your dog is worsening.
Being on Medication
Certain dogs are prone to illnesses or are being treated for a disease. Being on certain medicines may make your dog feel thirsty and look for water. You must give your dog fresh and clean water to drink in such a situation.
Suffering from an illness
While it is good to know how much water should a dog drink in a day, you must exclude days when your dog is not well. Certain illnesses make your dog feel very thirsty. Many times, dogs themselves start to drink water if they feel dehydrated or unwell. Illnesses like diarrhoea, infection, high fever, kidney problem, liver problems are conditions that make dogs feel extremely thirsty. You must speak to your vet and give medication accordingly.
Cleaning your Dog’s Water Bowl
Just like it is essential to give your dog fresh and clean water and understanding how much water does a dog need, it is also pivotal to keep your dog’s water bowl clean and free from dirt and grime. You must keep in mind that cleaning and scrubbing the water and food bowl daily is crucial. It helps in preventing diseases and lessens the likelihood of catching infections. If your dog’s food and water bowl has scratches or is broken from the sides, you must replace it as it can harbour bacteria and infection.
We hope this blog was helpful in understanding how much water should a dog drink in a day. Please bear in mind that water is just as important for dogs like it is for us humans. They must have access to freshwater every day. If you feel your dog is not drinking enough water or is drinking too much water, or is being extra lethargic, you must book an online appointment with our vets at Zigly who are always just a woof away!
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